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Postal services


All companies have unique mail handling requirements. Checkport  offers bespoke solutions for each customer. Let us take care of all of your needs, or only your company's biggest challenges with mail handling.  We customize the processing service for each company's specific needs. 

Examples of logistics services we offer:

  • Opening and/or sorting of incoming and internal mail, electronic mail and parcels

  • Incoming invoice handling and scanning services (digitized invoice)

  • External and internal mail delivery (on site)

  • Goods distribution

  • Collection and sorting of outgoing mail and parcels 

  • Stamping outgoing mail and parcels

  • Coordinated multi-site services


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Collection and Recycling Services

Pick up service is a complement to Cip Checkport's other services. Organizations with high volume of outgoing mail, parcels or goods will find this service efficient and convenient.  Additionally, we also provide collection services for recyclable materials from your company.


Do you have limited space for incoming goods?  Does your incoming coming goods come in concentrated periods that overwhelm your receiving department?  Or maybe you are in need of an intermediate-storage for another reason?  With Checkport, you you can pause your mail, parcel and goods delivery and let us store it for you instead.


Should you have an event and want to store your equipment, groceries or other goods in the short term, we can solve this.


We can store your goods and deliver them in a consistent and predictable manner, at your desired time, on your desired day.   

No worries, Checkport arrives on time - every time!

Image by Samuel Zeller
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